Wednesday, September 20, 2006

On the Road Again

Mom and I took Soph on an all day shopping excursion yesterday. All Day. We went everywhere and she (Soph, not Mom) was just great. (Mom had to walk with her hands on her tummy because she kept grabbing stuff... just kidding). She dropped us off at Babies backwards R Us for "lunch'. They have a super room just for nursing mothers to use, fully stocked with diapers and such for you to use, with little couches and chairs and magazines. It's great. She slept most of the day in the car, so I was terrified of last night, but she did great then too. She slept from 12-5 and then from 5:30-8:30. Nice.

Lets try a picture shall we...

no good. I'll email them to moms and post them from there. This has gotta get fixed, it's killing me!

1 comment:

Patricia said...

dang. i'd be making many trips to babies backwards r us (ha! you funnnnnnnnny) if they're gonna keep it fully stocked like that. think about it. you could wear a different outfit a couple times a day and put sophie in cute disguises and cut your diaper bill in half!