Monday, October 30, 2006

Sophie CAN Hear

Of this I am now quite sure. I was pretty sure before, but now I know. I don't know if it was a miracle of God or if she was just simply delayed and finally figured out what she was doing, but she has finally started to respond to voices and startles at noises. She has finally started to figure out what a noise was, and reacts to someone speaking to her. She seems to be quite normal now. So like I said, I don't know, and I will never know the reason she can hear now, but I know your prayers did not hurt anything! Thank you all so much for keeping us in mind. We are busy praising God for this affirmation and thanking him for his many blessings. I'm not sure if we will keep her appointment or not, we'll see how she does between now and then. Thank you all again for your prayers, they may have made all the difference in the world for our family.


Patricia said...

this news on your mom's blog brought tears to my eyes and i had just gotten past them when i find your similar words here. chris and i will continue to pray for sophie's full and healthy hearing, as well as to thank god for yet another blessing. hugs to you all.

Alison said...

So glad to hear the good news and will continue to praise God for His many blessings on Sophies young life!

Anonymous said...

Praise the Lord. So happy for all of you.

5KidMom said...

As a Mom of many, I think I would still keep the appointment. It's not about doubting God's miracles, but confirming them. To Him be ALL the glory!!!