Tuesday, October 24, 2006

You have to kiss a lot of frogs...

before you find your prince, or so the saying goes. Sophie has, however, at her tender age has already found her prince, still in frog form. The frog that came with her Infantino play set is her favorite possession. She stares at it VERY intently whenever it is around her, even if it across the room. She stares and smiles and grunts, drooling all the while in a happy sort of way. Like this:

I'm sorry I have been so neglectful on my blogging, so let me give a quick update. Sophie has a hearing test scheduled for Nov. 9th. She has to be in a non-sedated sleep for the test and it takes 3 hours. How in the world do they think we are going to manage that? I really do think that she is okay, just stubborn. But better safe than deaf, that's what I always say. Our best friends got married this weekend, we were both in the wedding and had a great time. I hope we are never in the same wedding again though, the tux was about $130 and the dress was about $120, making the whole affair quite expensive. But your friends only get married once, or so we hope.

1 comment:

Patricia said...

what a smile she has!!

i sometimes find myself smiling and grunting and drooling when i'm happy too. i suppose i should've outgrown this by now, huh? oh well, i'll have the routine down pat(ricia) by the time i'm ready for the rocking chair on the porch.

i saw the pics of you at the wedding. i commented on your mom's site, but in case you didn't see it, you looked amazing!! i loved your hair and the pic of the three of you was so tender and beautiful. best of luck to your newlywed friends.