Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Hi Ho, Hi Ho

It's off to work I go.

So yesterday was my first dreaded day of work. I cried daily for about a week, then cried A LOT yesterday morning. I just thought my heart was going to snap in half at the thought of leaving her for so long every day. I just could not imagine my life without her for 6 hours every day, our hearts are so intertwined. But - I knew I had to go, we just don't have the means to stay home, as I have not had a paycheck in 10 weeks! So off I went, praying for peace while I was there, and God came through once again. He is SO faithful. I had a great day at work, everyone was glad I was back, I had lots to do to keep my mine occupied, and Momma brought Soph to see me the last 45 minutes, and I just kept her with me. I am incredibly fortunate to work for a great christian couple who offer me as much flexibility as I need, no questions asked. So this new life will be good too, I just need a bit of time!


Alison said...

I will pray that the time you need will go quickly and that the hurt will leave even faster.

Patricia said...

chris and i prayed that this transition is an easy one for all three of you girls.

your (and your mom's) faith has me in awe. i hope you know how much you both inspire others (me!) to try to be a better person.

Jodi said...

And you will come to love those "hi mommy" smiles she will give you when the day is over.