Thursday, December 07, 2006

A New Blogging Tradition

Today I am instating a new blog tradition in honor of Patricia, who called my last, hilarious joke, and I quote: "Awful". I will now be posting great jokes at semi-regular intervals in honor of her, and in the hopes that one day her sense of humor will be as suave and sophisticated as mine is.

Patricia's Joke of the Day is an oldie but a goodie:

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One looks over at the other and asks, "does this taste funny to you?"

Good stuff found here, no doubt about it. Patricia, I know you loved that one.


Perri said...

That is a classic and if she doesn't like it, then we may have to re-think our friendship with her.

Patricia said...

haaaaaaaaaaaha ha hahah hahaaaaaaaaa
ooooooooooooooooooooh, please! stop! i can't breathe!! oooooooooooohhh my goodness that was


not. awful.
now am i off the hook?

actually, i'll see your awful joke and raise you an awful joke.

a couple of termites go into a saloon and ask, "is the bartender here?"

Anonymous said...

two pretzels were walking down the
street and one was assaulted--
granny gayle