Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Really Random Ramblings

Here is a cute picture of Soph in her classic pose: tongue out.

Our Christmas tree topper is pooped out. I've tried to fix it, it is beyond repair. We will be purchasing a new one shortly. You can see the whole thing because it laying completely horizontal. It's sad.

You know what else is sad- the fact that Sam won't be home this weekend (again) to play cards and eat cookies. That is our tradition, our best friends come over and we play cards and eat cookies and tell stupid jokes and always end up laughing until we cry or spray Mountain Dew out our noses or crawl to the bathroom as not to pee on ourselves, or all of the above. But with Sammy at school, it's just down us and Ben and Jada. We miss our fifth. We even bought a bar stool just for her, and now it's lonely. Come back soon Sammy!

All the extended gang, sans Sammy, came over for the parade the other day. The extended gang includes my momma, Sam's momma Vicki (Sophie's Grammy, and my momma's best friend), Sam's sister Meg and fiancee Mike, and on occasion Ed/Autis*, Sam's Dad, the kiddies and Billski. We all hang out a lot, especially in the summer. We have killer pool parties together, almost weekly. The parade was good, the football game that the guys all really came over to watch was not so good, with the colts losing to a fluky 60 yard field goal. Yikes. The parade goes right in front of my house, so we really don't have much of a choice but to watch it, so everyone just comes over and we make a day of it.

* Ed/Autis- his name is really Autis, but when they were dating Vicki decided that she thought that was a dumb name and called him Ed, randomly. It stuck. So you can call him either, both work just fine for him. He's laid back like that.

If anything here is spelled wrong it's because 95% of it is being typed with one hand, as Sophie is high maintenance and not having a good night, and quite frankly I am just not a fan of the "cry it out" method. It works for some people, just not me.

Want to hear a funny joke? It helps if you read it out loud.

How do you catch a polar bear?

You cut a hole in the ice, and put peas all around the hole. When the bear comes up to take a pea, you kick him in the ice hole.

HA! I love bad jokes. Bad jokes and ugly wrapping paper, that's good stuff.

Well, the kid is getting unmanageable- off I go...


Patricia said...

i believe the star wants to play some video games. it is leaning right over to the shelf, checking out which one it could kick butt (point?) at.

cookies and cards sounds fun. and yes, i changed the order, but that's just me.

that joke was awful.

Anonymous said...

Aw geez. Now my eyes are all leaky. Thanks.

I miss you guys bunches and bunches. I just finished my last class like an hour ago, so only a week left!!! See you guys soon... but not soon enough.


Perri said...

Look at how long her tongue is -- that's a bit freaky.
