Sunday, January 21, 2007


CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?!?! It's a GREAT day in Indiana!

I have several pictures to post- but I'm not at home so I don't have them. We have been busy this week learning to go to bed with a routine. Bath time, playtime, bedtime. She gets better every night it seems. Soon I think she will be sleeping through the night. Last night when we were playing cards she fell asleep at the table while she was in my lap. She was so funny watching her try to stay awake! She takes her baths in the big girl tub now, she is so into splashing around. She kicks and punches, turns her head to try to drink the water.

This week we also started her on cereal. While she is with me she still breastfeeds, but during the week I am not pumping nearly enough to keep up with her. In the 6 hours a day that Momma has her she has been eating about 18 oz. on average. She is doing very well on it, she sleeps better at night and is happier for Momma during the day. I hadn't planned on starting her on cereal so soon, and if I were home all day I would not have. But as it is, I feel good about it. She had been VERY interested in watching us eat for the last few weeks, watching every single bit go up into our mouths. When we fed her with a spoon for the first time, she just GOT it. No problems at all. So that was nice. She is very close to learning to roll over from back to front, then there will be no stopping her! I am really enjoying this stage, watching her grab her toes and lift up her bottom and squirm and reach, she is just a joy to behold!

It seems like the last 5 months have just FLOWN by. I still look down and expect her to be all scrunched up in her bassinet, and now she has outgrown it. Being a mom is such a roller coaster. It's all so exhilarating and bittersweet all at once. I'm still adjusting to all the emotion it brings. From exhausted to overwhelmed with stress and from thrilled to overwhelmed with love. It's the most fun I've ever had in my life!!!!

p.s. GO COLTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Lindsey: Mama of Andrew, Adam, and Ally said...

Very fun to read, I can't wait to see what the next five months hold for us. Thanks for keeping the boys in your prayers. I can't wait to see new pics of Sophie.