Wednesday, April 25, 2007

BIG News

I've been in a crappy mood lately. Really, a big, fat, crappy mood.

So after several weeks of severe irritability it finally dawned on me what could be wrong, and I was right.

I had just told Jacob not long ago that I was pregnant, but it was just a hunch. Guess I was right on again. Jacob said he was not surprised because the other day I had said my lettuce tasted funny in my salad. He is a hard man to surprise.

So, Christmas Baby, here we come! We are very excited, more than a little surprised, and just a tidge intimidated. So far I feel fine, other than needing to get a grip on my emotions, and my first doctor appointment is May 17, where my due date should be pin pointed a bit more for us.

It was funny telling the kids- they were so excited. Wes was the funniest when he asked, while grabbing his nipples, how I was gonna feed TWO babies?! It was too funny!


Lindsey: Mama of Andrew, Adam, and Ally said...

That's wonderful news!! Congratulations and best wishes for a smooth and enjoyable pregnancy. You know the thought crossed my mind that you might be after something you wrote in a post on my blog recently, I can't quite remember exactly what you said but I thought it was a bit of a hint to this. I'm so happy for all of you!

Perri said...

I love you and I'm so excited to be having another baby around to love and spoil.


Anonymous said...

I am so happy for you and Jacob.
What Wes said was funny!!

Tonya said...

congratulations to all!

Jodi said...

Congratulations! My oldest two are 18 months apart and I love it.

I hope you have a H&H 9 months! :)

Courtney said...

Hooray, hooray! What a blessing! Congratulations! (I love the onesie Sophie was wearing in the pic at your mom's blog, btw.)

MEAGAN said...


Mandy said...

Wow! How exciting!!! I hope everything goes well for you and your new bundle of joy is just as happy, healthy and beautiful as Sophie!!! Congrats and best wishes all the way from Newfoundland!!!

Patricia said...

so that's what a positive test looks like! :)

congrats and love to you and jacob and sophie.

5KidMom said...

Yippee!! Wonderful news!

Things will likely be a little hectic at first with two so close together, but in the long run, that extra work in the begining will be well worth it. Siblings aways have each other, and that is a blessing. They also help keep each other busy from time to time so Mom can get a break. 8^)

Anonymous said...

Very very happy news!

Tina said...

I'm so excited!!!! I hope it's a girl so that my boys won't have to fight over Sophie!

Trin said...

Congrats!! Hope all goes well for you :)

Jennifer said...


Amber said...

Congratulations Andi and Jacob!!
That is wonderful news! All my kiddos are very close in age and they are all best buddies. They make great playmates! You'll love it!

Mandy said...

Hey! I know I've already commented about this post but I've started to do friendship friday with the mister linky... i dunno if you're interested but it sure sounds like you would have a lot of great things to offer! Especially with family oriented friday's!

Anonymous said...

Congrats! What an awesome blessing from God! I'll see you & Sophie Monday morning. It's a date for her & Ethan :)