Friday, June 08, 2007

Cross your fingers....

I'm up and about for now, but not getting excited yet! Thank you all for your prayers for Keeby and myself. I'll let you know soon if it is a permanent up and at 'em or not. Until then, here is a picture of what I walked in the house one day to find....

That's right, a bottle nipple on a Mt. Dew. Jacob was just pleased as he could be until he saw my face, then he hurriedly assured me that she hadn't drank "that much". I checked it out, he was right, she hadn't, but this is what happens when I leave her alone with Jacob and Ben. Nice.

And... today Soph was playing in the kitchen, I could hear her clanging around, no big deal. Then it gets quiet. So I called out "Sosie" (her nickname around here), no answer. The a little louder..."SOPHIE", nothing. So I haul my butt up and take a look around for her and find her in the hall. Eating cat puke. SHE WAS EATING CAT PUKE. I swear, I went into instant panic attack mode, screaming for Jacob to come help me. It was smeared all over her face, her pants, in her mouth, I was about to die. I know she could NOT have had that much, it was only about a minute before I went to find her, but still. We scrubbed her down, brushed her teeth, her tongue, her lips, anything that could be cleansed we did in a fervor that can only be induced by the consumption of something really, really nasty. Then I had to go Google eating cat puke to see if she was going to be okay. She will be. Now if I could just get the image out of my head I think we'll all be okay.

Now lest you think I am just some dirt bag who lets cat puke sit on her floor, let me explain. Cat food puke = brown and tan. Andi's kitchen floor tile = brown and tan. And it was the corner behind a door that is usually open, totally hidden. Now I have defended myself, but still, feel free to be thoroughly grossed out. I still am. It just makes me more thankful the cat box is in the basement.


Tina said...

AAAAAWWWWWWWWWW NASTY!!!! A couple of weeks ago Owen told Kasey that he needed to "poo". Kasey said ok buddy just a minute and then forgot. (By the way...when a 22 month old potty training boy tells you he has to poo, he means NOW) Owen came into Jackson's room where I was sitting on the floor, he reached his hand down the back of his pull-up and brought out a handful and said (as he stuck it WAY too close to my face) "Ugh Oh Mommy, Poo!" I ran to throw up as Kasey ran to clean up Owen. NASTY! How'd you keep from vomiting yourself??? Especially being pregnant?

Jodi said...


Glad she will be okay though. Nasty-ness!

Fatcat said...

Someday this will be hilarious and someday, you'll be able to tease Sophie about it. But still, yuck.

Lindsey: Mama of Andrew, Adam, and Ally said...

Oh My! I can't believe that, glad she is okay. Oh my that's gross!

Anonymous said...

Eww!!! So gross! But that's ok... Sam ate dog poop when she was a baby and she turned out relatively okay. :o)

Anonymous said...

Hope you're still doing well....hang in there.

And please don't let Sophie eat any more cat puke!! :)

Patricia said...

hehe, this is so incredibly funny and disgusting on so many levels!

can sophie say "meow" yet?

Anonymous said...

okay, yes that is gross, but in a few months it will be a funny memory.