Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Sophie and Piwacket

This is Piwacket- the cat, not Jacob.
I have no idea if his name is spelled right (again, the cat, not Jacob).

Piwacket is Nana's cat. She said his name is Latin for friend. I can't argue with her on that because I only took one semester of Latin. This is what I remember:

Quid es elle puer? Elle puer es pulcher.

Translation: Who is that boy? That boy is good looking.

Obviously this will not get me far in life.

But back to the cat. Sophie and Piwacket loved each other.
They played all day long and into the night with one another. They are fast friends.

Piwacket was small enough for Sophie to pick up, which she did- frequently.
Piwacket was not always crazy about this, but he tolerated it because after all, that's what friends do. (Tolerate each other, not pick each other up. That would be awkward.)
The humorous part is that now she tries to pick up OUR cats, which are much bigger and far less tolerant. She wraps her arms around their bellies and pulls up as hard as she can with a mighty grunt and slowly, nay even majestically, nothing happens. They just stare at her like" are you kidding me? That was pathetic." It cracks us up, and Sophie, not to be deterred, waits a while to recuperate and tries again. We didn't raise a quitter.


MEAGAN said...

Semper ubi sub ubi.

Translation: Always wear underwear.

I took Latin for 3 years in high school and a semester in college and that's all I can really remember. Good advice though...

Patricia said...

oh c'mon! those pictures are almost painfully adorable! babies and kittens, you're killin me here! what little cuties!

and you're right. picking up friends would be awkward. you're so very wise.

Jodi said...

They are both adorable!

Too funny that Sophie is trying to pick up the big cats now. Most of ours know to run for their lives when the little kids come near. LOL They learned a long time ago.

Tonya said...

non volo!!

translation: i dont wanna!