Wednesday, October 29, 2008

November is National Adoption Month

I read somewhere recently that there are over 130,000 children in the US alone waiting to be adopted.

There are over 300,000 churches in the US.

I don't get this math because what it seems to be saying is that if less than every other church had one family adopt one kid then our number would be ZERO.

Of course, I'm over-simplifying. There are intense issues with some children, making the "un-adoptable". There are kids born with devastating handicaps and terminal illnesses that require special families to care for them. There are sibling groups that some families simply can't take in. But in truth... we as a nation and as a faith can do better than this.

Jacob and I are preparing to do our part in a few years. What is keeping you from changing a life?


Jodi said...

After being an adoptive parent I can honestly see why there are so many kids up for adoption. It is work. Hard work. These kids don't just move on in and life gets all peachy. You and they have to make it work one day, one hour, one minute at a time.

But it would be wonderful if all those kids found a forever home.

Heidi Kellems said...

Interesting math there, this means less than half of those churches need to have one family step up to the plate and adopt one child. While some cases are not always easy, there are those that are over flowing with blessings. I must say, we have been so very blessed with our crew!!! Maybe in a few years, we will take that step of faith again.
