Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Keegan is Two Today

My little man is a year older today. To celebrate we are going to go to a local spaghetti place (his favorite food) and go see a Christmas light display. I think he will like that. We had his party on Sunday and having an epic Mom-Fail moment I got too busy and didn't take an single picture. Luckily my mom did, so you can check out her pictures here.

I've got mixed emotions about his birthday. On one hand I am sad to see my baby getting older, but on the other hand I'm glad he gets to. The lady I work with had her only grand baby die over the summer and yesterday would have been his first birthday. Watching her deal with her loss so close to Keegan's birthday puts things in perspective, but it also makes me even more emotional about it.

I thought that Sophie was going to be our strong willed child. I was right and wrong about that. She is for sure strong willed, but not nearly so much as Keegan is. He is stubborn, stubborn, stubborn. He is also much more affectionate as a rule than she is. He doesn't follow anyone's lead, he is a leader. He loves to be read to, his favorite question is "what's that" and he loves to play with anything that makes noise. And trucks. And any form of ball. He is all boy.

For example: Our friend J0sh, who is a state trooper, gave the kids a play police set a few months ago. It had the usual gambit of stuff with cuffs, badges, riot shields and a baton. Sophie pulled the baton out and said "What's this for?". Jacob and I looked at each other, eyed the kids knowingly and did the only thing we could think of. "To poke things," we lied. She immediately lost interest and dropped it. Keegan waddled over, picked it up, studied it for about .02 seconds and proceeded to beat the snot out of the bush next to him. No instructions required for him... he's a boy.

Keegan brings us so much joy. I'm glad we get to celebrate his birthday today. Hug your kids a little tighter today and be thankful you have them there to hold.

1 comment:

Amy said...

He looks just like his baby picture...even 2years later.